
LPSB Weekly Update 21st May 2021

Posted on: May 21st - 2021

Dear Families,

Whilst the summer weather still seems to be eluding us, we draw another week closer to the end of another very busy half term as June approaches. There are a number of things to update you on this week.

Years 11 and 13
This week we said goodbye to students in Years 13 and 11 with their final assemblies taking place on Thursday and Friday respectively. We are extremely proud of how they have coped with the stresses of lockdown through their GCSE and A Level experiences and we wish them all the very best of luck for the future. The transition work for year 11 and some support materials to prepare for University life for year 13 will be posted online at the start of next week. Students are more than welcome to contact their teachers through email if they have any questions or concerns.

Covid 19
You will be aware that this week saw our first positive Covid 19 case since before Christmas. We wish the student a speedy recovery. Can I take this opportunity to remind you of the steps that we should be continuing to take to ensure that our staff and students remain as safe as it is possible to be. Firstly, students should be continuing to wash their hands at regular intervals throughout the day using the hand sanitizer units or the sinks. Where possible students should distance from each other and we continue to use our year group bubbles to prevent different year groups mixing as far as possible.
A reminder also that students should continue to do the twice weekly Covid lateral flow tests at home, and you must report the results both on Teams for the school’s records, and on the NHS website which can be found here:
If your child displays any of the common symptoms of Covid 19 (persistent or new cough, loss or change of sense of smell or taste, or a high temperature) then please do not send them in to school, but arrange for them to take a PCR Covid test and notify us of the result as soon as you have.
If your child is asked to isolate because they have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid 19 then they must isolate for the full 10 days. Even if they take a PCR test in this period which comes back negative they must complete the period of isolation as they may still develop the virus.
Please remind your sons / daughters of the need to social distance and follow other Covid restrictions in the wider community as well. Although clearly progress has been made in defeating this virus it is evidently still far from over.

Exam / Assessment weeks
A reminder of the following exam / assessment weeks which are coming up:
WB 24th May – Years 8 and 9
WB 7th June – Years 7 and 12
WB 21st June – Year 10
NB the year 7 assessment week has been moved to after half term in light of a number of year 7 students who are currently having to isolate.

A Night at the Musicals
This coming week sees the return of live performances at Langley Park School for Boys with our 6th Form  production of ‘A Night at the Musicals’ running on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week (26-28th). There are a small number of tickets still available if you would like to attend but have not yet purchased your tickets. These are available from ticketsource.
The evenings will be appropriately socially distanced.

I would draw your attention to the Sports report attached to this email as we have had some fantastic international sporting success this week! Fingers crossed the weather allows our Saturday cricket fixtures to resume this weekend.

Have a good weekend.

Yours sincerely

Mr S. Parsons
Langley Park School for Boys




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