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The Friends is the Langley Park School for Boys PTA. Like all PTAs we organise events to raise funds for extras in different school departments which are not financed by the school budget. The main event that we run is the popular Christmas Craft Market in November/December.

We also support many events organised by the school:

  • Supplying refreshments for parents’ evenings
  • Running the bar for exciting showcase nights
  • The incredibly popular ‘Doughnut Day’ in February
  • Ad hoc school and community events; we provide assistance with theatrical events like Show Nights and the Community Choir
  • Second hand uniform sales throughout the year

We are a friendly group of parents who meet regularly each term to plan events and organise volunteers. There are lots of ways to get involved, whether regularly, or just once or twice a year. Our emphasis is on enjoying being part of the team as well as raising money. Elections of office bearers take place at our Annual General Meeting in October, to which everyone is welcome. Please come along and join us either at the AGM, one of our regular committee meetings, or to volunteer at one of our events.

Who we are:

  • TBC, Chair
  • Angela Walters, Vice Chair
  • David Keeler, Treasurer
  • Merrill Turner, Secretary
  • Chantal Cenac & Rita Emechete, Christmas Market
  • Merrill Turner, Volunteer Coordinator
  • Isobel Hennelly, Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
  • Kelly Fuller, 100 Club
  • Eileen O'Mahony and John Boulding, Communications

For information on how to get involved, or to be added to our volunteers mailing list, please contact us here.




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