
LPSB Weekly Update 23rd April 2021

Posted on: April 23rd - 2021

Dear Families,

Welcome to the end of the first week back, and it has been really good to see staff and students returning to us feeling rested and refreshed after the long Easter break. I am very pleased with how the term has begun and how the students have returned to their studies. This will be a shorter message this week, but there are a few things to update you on.

Year 11 and 13 Teacher Assessed Grades

The school’s policy on the awarding of Teacher Assessed Grades is now available on the website, and is also included here as an attachment. This explains the process by which grades will be awarded to students in Years 11 and 13 in the absence of the formal GCSE and A Level exams. As I have stated previously the school will be using a range of evidence to generate a final grade. The policy adheres very closely to the model policy generated by JCQ.

Masks and testing

Please can I remind you of the importance of your son / daughter wearing a mask at all times in the school building unless they are exempt. Whilst nationally some restrictions have been lifted it is important that we don’t do anything that might set us back in terms of protecting our staff and students here in school. Please ensure your child has a mask with them every day when they leave for school.

Please can I also remind you that students should still be testing themselves at home twice a week using the lateral flow tests. The school is expecting another delivery of tests next week, but if in the meantime you have run out then you can order tests for home delivery using the link below.

Please remember that all tests need to be recorded on both the NHS website, and our school system (through Teams) regardless of whether they are positive or negative. If a student tests positive they must isolate pending the result of a confirmatory PCR test.

That’s all I have to update you on this week. I wish you all a pleasant weekend.


Mr S. Parsons


Langley Park School for Boys



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